Sun4Health at the Sun Protection Conference 2021. This year we renew our appointment with the Sun Protection Conference, this time in the new location of the Royal College of Physicians in London on 25th and 26th November 2021.
This conference takes place every two years, bringing together professionals working in the sun protection and skin care sectors. The conference is aimed to provide insights about the current status of the scientific research on sun protection and its related technologies.
Prof Antony R. Young, Professor Emeritus at the St John’s Institute of Dermatology of the King’s College London (UK), will be one of the most distinguished speakers, having a verbal presentation entitled “Novel digital technology supporting sun protection and vitamin D synthesis by using satellite-based monitoring of spectral solar radiation“. The main results of a field study conducted in December 2019 in Brazil and coordinated by Prof Young together with Prof Sérgio Schalka (Department of Dermatology, Medcin Clinical Research Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil) will be presented. This study received ethical approval and was aimed to demonstrate the benefits of Sun4Health in real-world conditions. In particular, the results clearly show that the use of Sun4Health ensured both a higher vitamin D level increase and a lower skin erythemic reaction (sunburn risk) to the group of volunteers using the app with respect to a control group.
The overall program of the Sun Protection Conference 2021 is built around the four following key topics:
1. Looking forward to future innovations in sun protection
2. Major issues impacting sun protection concepts and product development
3. Innovative technologies: the source of innovation in sun protection
4. Satisfying consumer needs in performance, testing, and communication
Turning to innovations, in the field of sun protection the Sun4Health app will make its contribution in the near future. A clinical trial led by the NHS is already underway in the UK for some months and shortly it will give its first results. If you want to know what the trial consists of, learn more here.
For more information, you can DOWNLOAD our scientific poster written in collaboration with St John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College London, Medcin Clinical Research Center, Osasco, SP, Brazil and BASF Grenzach, German. The poster was presented at EADV 2020 and already reported some preliminary results obtained in the field study on Sun4Health.