Sun4Health digital solution presented at solar exposure & vitamin D workshop organised by the Italian National Health System’s ISS (Rome, Italy)

At a workshop hosted by Italy's ISS, CEO Marco Morelli presented siHealth’s Sun4Health solution, sharing promising trial results from the UK on safely managing sun exposure to maintain healthy vitamin D levels.

Our CEO Marco Morelli and our President Emilio Simeone were invited to attend a workshop in July about solar exposure and vitamin D organised in Rome (Italy) by the “Istituto Superiore di Sanità” (ISS) – the innovation, control and scientific advise body of the Italian National Health Service.

Dr Morelli had the chance to present siHealth’s Sun4Health digital solution for balancing risks and benefits of sun exposure, emphasising the successful preliminary results obtained in a clinical trial led by the NHS in the UK with 70 volunteers involved for 9 months.

In particular, the clinical trial outcomes show how beneficial Sun4Health can be for keeping a healthy vitamin D level in everyday life without risking sunburn.

Dr Marco Morelli’s speech at the Italian NHS ISS’ workshop .