“Light on PDT” is a course designed for doctors and specialists in dermatology and venereology, focused on Photodynamic Therapy (PDT). The workshop will be held in Bari (Italy) on 24th and 25th September 2021. Two days of full immersion in the field of actinic keratosis and the different therapeutic approaches currently employed. Speakers include, among others, Dr Emilio Simeone, CEO of siHealth.
Dr Simeone will present SmartPDT® in detail to the course attendees, particularly emphasising the new SmartPDT®-enabled possibility of delivering daylight PDT treatments from remote by using a satellite-based monitoring of the actual PDT-effective sunlight dose received by the patients, anywhere and in real-time.
This course on PDT is organised and chaired by Prof Piergiacomo Calzavara-Pinton (University of Brescia, Italy) and moderated by Dr Dario Fai (Danele-Romasi Hospital, Lecce, Italy), being supported by the Italian Society of Dermatology SIDeMaST.
This is a good opportunity to present SmartPDT® to the Italian community of dermatologists and beyond. It will be also a first taste of what will be shown at the end of the month during the 30th EADV virtual congress (29th September – 2nd October 2021). During EADV, the siHealth’s virtual hub chaired by Dr Simeone will include presentations about SmartPDT® by Dr Ewan Eadie (NHS Tayside – Ninewells Hospital of Dundee, UK) and by Prof Yolanda Gilaberte (Head of the Dermatology Department, Miguel Servet University Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain).
Learn more about this and book your place now at the EADV siHealth’s virtual hub on Friday 1st October 2021: